Let's discover the Internet !

You know us, at Objet Papier, we love nothing but exploring the
links between paper and digital, between the fabulous virtual universe
that offers so many possibilities and the greatness of physical shaped objects.
For this new issue that celebrates the 30th anniversary of the
World Wide Web
Tim Berners-Lee wove it in 1989 in Geneva.
we asked our engineers to bring our philosophy to its climax.
That’s how they created this amazing Unidentified Coded Object that
you hold now in your hands.
Bring your surfboard and go meet the vast worlds of the Internets!
You will discover curious traditions, hard technics and fascinating
characters. You may come across the soul and the skeleton of our label,
but always while having fun! Here and there, codes and binary references will
guide you on the web of knowledge.
Icing on the cake, by participating in the realization of your own magazine,
you have taken your first steps in the world of
CSS Print!
Well done! You have gone through all the steps to create your own Print-it copy!
We coded a book, you printed a website! And if you feel like a deep adventurer,
you can personalize it with your own headings and creations. The most
curious will make their own entire magazine and will be able to participate
fully in the great reconciliation of digital and physical worlds.
Farewell on your reading journey.
is dead*

Web development tools
Let's hold our breath and dive in the deep and dark ocean lying below Print-it. Don't forget your headlamp, knowledge is at the end of the journey.

and Windows, built to write source code.

Tom Preston-Werner, written in the programming language Ruby. As friendly as it gets, Jekyll is friendly, but what about Mr Hyde ? :o it is one of the most used static site generator out there.



Fun fact, the french word for browser is "navigateur", which was inspired by
Netscape Navigator, a major web browser from the 1990's. Nowadays, the most used browsers are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,
Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari.
From Web to Print
HyperText Markup LanguageCSS
Cascading Style SheetsCSS Print

fighting on the internet.
We do not fight on the internet,
everything happens in the street.

You are just a simple @#!&

I got 200 tickets for 3 bands. XD #bellator #lecheminduroi
words replace fists and fights
turn into verbal diss. What a
fabulous way to sharpen your feather
while maintaining your dignity!
Who said that the beef was not a noble art?

the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg,
failing career and all, had aimed and fired
the gun at President Obama? Jail time!

Through Tourism and Law studies, Antonio Google created the first online travel agency,
Voyages Gratuits, in 2006. This website helped millions of people to gain the feeling of
freedom and discover our dear blue planet. In order to offer interesting and free destination
ideas for everyone, Mister Google travelled the world to find amazing and unknown territories.
This amazing visual journey, Voyagesgratuits.com, is now the most beautiful
contemporary creation left behind by Antonio Google.
This fictional work has been created by Guillaume Rossi in collaboration with Google Earth.
This article has been created in memory of Antonio who passed away in 2015 during one of his travels.

This huge variety of topics is coming to life through an aesthetic of gifs, fonts and word-arts in "Web Safe Colors" (216 colors). Print-it is reviving this internet of the past, giving you the keys to create a GeoCities page worthy of it's name.
- Mosaic backgrounds 1000 pixels wide background images didn’t do well with a 56k network. In 1994 backgrounds are made with small images repeated across the page, a bandwidth love story.

- "Microbars" or "Stamps" It's those small images with a specific size you could find across headers and sidebar with a purpose of claiming an opinion about which web browser to use; or simply your devotion to cat fluff.
- Animated GIFs The graphics interchange format is known for being able to display image sequences like films in a lightweight format. It was already a killer long before snapchat, mostly on GeoCities.
- "Under Construction" section A GeoCities page is a constantly evolving work of art, you should never forget to remind your user with appropriated graphics. So he does not forget to come back for your next update. The best update.
- Multiple typefaces, in image formats The nineties' internet was a very limited place for fonts, allowing the usage of a few system font. Your graphic design talent could only be showcased through pixel based images.
- "Hotlinks" Hotlinks were links using resources from another website, mainly images. Not a good practice since bandwidth was billed on usage. The word was often misused to define simple page links on GeoCities.
- "Frames" Defining a subdivision of a webpage containing another html page with it's own scroll. Allowing more complex designs, often resulting in a catastrophic user experience of the website.
- Fixed layout Computer monitors didn't have a variety of size like devices nowadays. The web was much easier to design because of the normalized size: 800 pixels wide and 600 pixels high.

Undoubtably the most convincing love letter to GeoCities, Cameron's World is a website by Cameron Askin. A gold mine of content and visual straight out of the 1996's blogosphere, it a journey through multiple neighborhoods, each one more vivid than the one before. It's a striking experience, maybe more authentic than the original?

Fifteen years of service and 650 Go of archives, GeoCities is a hell lot of internet and not the most friendly to explore. Richard Vijgen is a great help on the subject with this interactive map of the archive. Deleted city is also the best way to visualize the actual size of the amount of websites created.

Now that you read this article, the one and only thing you're dreaming of: that the whole internet looks like GeoCities. GeoCities-Izer is making this dream come true, paste the URL of your favorite website to transform it in a "GeoCities ready version", so you won't have to deal with usability and all this nonsense.

If the aesthetic of GeoCities websites can look outdated to some of us, the trend is coming back. Thousand of users created modern versions of GeoCities websites, keeping the visual style and iconic components, adding all the pop culture created on the internet since. NeoCities is the place where you can find the work of all those NetScape fans.

Visual and listening experience

Visual experience

Interactive listening experience

Interactive experience

Visual experience

Visual experience

Visual experience

Interactive experience

Interactive experience

Interactive experience

Visual experience

Interactive experience

Visual experience

Interactive experience


Interactive experience

Interactive experience

Interactive experience



Interactive experience

Visual experience

Visual plug-in

Visual experience

Visual experience

Visual experience

Visual experience

Visual experience


Visual experience
Here are 10
the Internet magic
found for you.

Visual and listening experience

Visual experience

Interactive listening experience

Interactive experience

Visual experience

Visual experience

Visual experience

Interactive experience

Interactive experience

Interactive experience

Visual experience

Interactive experience

Visual experience

Interactive experience


Interactive experience

Interactive experience

Interactive experience



Interactive experience

Visual experience

Visual plug-in

Visual experience

Visual experience

Visual experience

Visual experience

Visual experience


Visual experience

hello@objetpapier.fr (nothing would be more heartwarming for us

Aquarius, stop hiding yourself away from the outside world so you can buff up on podcasts. It’s 2019 and podcast is the new cool. We are waiting for you, the stars have aligned and it’s time for you to join the podcast game. You have things to stay, to show and, god help us, sing. Do it. We can’t wait to hear your take on Kim Kardashian’s latest fashion faux-pas, and who won’t love your views on the sexual misdemeanours of platypuses.
My dear Pisces, chasing retweet after retweet, seeking the wittiest, most poignant word, waiting for your instagram to take off, desperate for your ‘likes’ counter to launch you into the influencer-stratosphere. What if instead of seeking recognition from others you were to make yourself laugh first ?
As 2019’s whistleblower, you still frantically share “wake up” videos, forcing your opinions on any unsuspecting coworker who happens to walk by the work coffee machine in an attempt to open their eyes to the nonsense of single-use coffee stirrers. You are noble, Aries, but don’t forget to indulge in human kind once in a while. Pete can be a vegetarian and still wear leather jackets. Humans embody the very meaning of ‘contradiction’ (and ‘bad fashion choices’), as do you. Also, stop bragging about how many TED videos you watch if you want to keep your friends.
Taurus, you dream of a cosy flat (with affordable mortgage), cycling in the countryside (safely) and netflix accompanied by a tomato and mozzarella salad (low fat). Let me tell you Taurus that swiping ‘yes’ on the youngest tinder profile, dreaming about ariana grande (or Jack Gyllenhaal), all with your hand down your pants, isn’t going to get you there. Drop this romantic facade and accept your consumerist nature, otherwise free yourself from these pre-constructed desires that you, yourself, never question.
“One mission a day”; This would be your Youtube channel name, if the mission of the day was simply to start a youtube channel. Listen Gemini, Rome wasn’t built on an impulse. Finish the things you’ve started before distracting yourself with yet another “fresh, new idea”. And stop embarrassing yourself with self-satisfying quotes in tacky font and some nineties-collage background.
If we had Youtube’s viewing data in relation to zodiac signs, we’d know that 75% of the population that watch “videos of cats freaking out on cucumbers” are cancerians. Stop identifying yourselves with these kittens; life isn’t a huge, terrifying cucumber. Add a hint of lemon juice, a pinch of salt, a spoon of greek yoghurt, and bite the cucumber of life to the fullest.
Leo, stop smugly claiming you’re a non-conformist through your social media absence. Everybody knows you’re petrified by the idea of others judging you. Instead of the guilty pleasure of reading your linkedin alerts, work on your reputation, update your linkedin account, congratulate a couple of strangers on their new positions and watch the job offers fly in and pull you out of this unproductive routine.
You are an adorable, freshly hatched chick, already tormented by the violence thrown upon you by the internet. Stop watching those pathetic Youtubers clash, it’s worthless. I know, how about you consider goldfishes instead? Have you ever seen a wild goldfish? where do they come from? Have they always been domesticated? Goldfish are quite the mystery. This is a subject that can satisfy curiosity without threatening your emotional well-being.
When you were born, the internet was thought to be a revolutionary way of sharing, teaching and cultivating the breadth of human knowledge between millions. Since then, recommendation algorithms have abandoned this concept in favour of feeding us inane garbage through a cyclical process. You, Libra, can escape this. Don’t let yourself be influenced by the simple nature of recommendations; break free from the youtube flow. Light your own path.
Heterosexual, monogamous, and cisgender : as a libertarian free spirit, you wish you could connect with the great speeches on gender freedom and sexuality, all whilst being a part of the great walk to end all genders. You will never admit it but medically assisted reproduction gives you chicken skin. Furthermore, people waving rainbow flags and shouting “A mama, a llama”, stating that their gender shouldn’t be denoted by what exists between their legs, brings your entire being into question. Relax, you’ve been taught that this phallus/uterus was your main asset and ultimately determines your social status.
Social media is like life, you tweet quicker than your shadow. The problem is, whilst we forget half the bullshit that comes out of your mouth, the internet stores it forever. Who knows, you might need one day to be forgotten. So at least give yourself a chance by not saturating the internet with your base opinions that we’ll just scroll over anyway.
What would you rather: an anonymous life, or to be know remembered in a legendary meme? There’s only one possible answer for someone so gifted with common sense. The problem is that everything else points to your face ending up on a mug, t-shirt or mouse mat. If you didn’t choose the “meme” destiny, beware of smartphones, street survey camera crews, and those so called friends who tag your in their stories.

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Find your binary code in the full sequence of Print-it on the back cover.
1 Style of a webpage
4 Hosting platform
5 Static site
7 Text editor
Need help?
Go p. 9-10. 1 Web browser
2 Programming language
3 Static site’s friend
6 Structure of a web page
It's our idol!
OP007 - Print-it
Deluxe english version
42 copies printedCopy number
Generated by Google Chrome
Printed by Jérémy Roques (deluxe cover),
Jérémy Zeitouni (deluxe packaging)
and (interior pages) Hey !
over here ;)
Binded by
Morgane Bartoli, Ronan Deshaies, Corentin Moussardwith the participation of Sixtyne Perez (Horoscope p.27-29) and Guillaume Rossi (Arts p.14-16).
Design and art direction
Corentin Moussard and Morgane Bartoli.Typefaces
Snap-it by Corentin Moussardand Morgane Bartoli
Avara by Raphaël Bastide
Tech stack
CSS print layout made with Atom,Jekyll, GitHub, Siteleaf. Code available at:
Cover: Chromolux alu silver 80g/m²White paper: Clairefontaine Equality 80g/m²
Blue paper: Clairefontaine Trophee 80g/m²
Our Thanks to
Ronan Deshaies, Juliette Bernachot, Sixtyne Perez,Guillaume Rossi, Manon Gavalda, Raphaël Bastide,
Taxi Nuage, PrePostPrint.
Special thanks to Virginie Lyobard and
la Fanzinothèque de Poitiers.